Collaboration: Reflective Statement

As the Collaboration project has now been completed, I would like to reflect upon my efforts and contributions towards it.

I must admit, that although I understood the amount of commitment I needed to provide, I was still a bit surprised at how much work each of the tasks would entail. It has been stressful, but rewarding nonetheless, as I feel that I have accomplished more than I would’ve thought I could. However, saying that, I feel that my skills are below average, meaning I have a lot of work to do to improve myself, especially in my communication with my team, and my animating skills. I feel like I could’ve achieved much more if I managed my time properly, but I think my biggest obstacle is knowing how to ask for help, out of fear of appearing silly, but also not knowing what to ask. Animation is difficult for me to process and understand, which is why my part of our final animation looks unfinished.

In all honesty, Collaboration has been difficult to come to terms with, as you can never predict what yourself, your team, or your work computer will do next, depending on the circumstances. But that’s not to say I didn’t enjoy what I did. It’s given me the realisation that, lack of confidence aside, I am capable of making an animation, even if it doesn’t appear completely polished.

I’d say that my strongest and most enjoyable part of the project was designing and texturing the characters. My favourite part of any project is producing concept art, perhaps because it allows me some room for experimentation, and so I wish to carry over that mindset into the animating portion as well. What I’m most surprised about is the determination I had to finish, despite being pushed back with some obstacles in the group dynamic and the animating segment. I understand a little better what it means to be professional, you push on regardless, and do things to the best of your abilities, and I think I did try my absolute best in this project.

If I had to do it again, I would tell myself to not be afraid to fail, otherwise I may not learn how to improve myself even further.


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