Character Design: One Day Design Challenge

 For our last Character Design lesson of the term, we were tasked with creating a set of characters within one day.We were given a show to base these characters around and explore how they would fit in to that universe. 

My group received the show Rusty Rivets, a children's program that centres around the character Rusty and his friends going on adventures and using science and engineering along the way. Each group member was tasked with designing a Hero, a Villain, a Mentor, and a Sidekick. I chose to design the hero.

To start with, we needed to create a toy play set that could be marketed as part of the shows franchise. Below I created a doll's laboratory which is can be collapsed in to a tool box for ease of transport. Inside features miniature science kits, a doll of my hero character, accessories for the doll, and a mech suit that the hero character designs within the show. 

Secondly, I then needed to design the hero character. I imagined this character being related to the main character, Rusty, as an older cousin, and that she would have her own spin-off show. Below are my initial ideas.

The initial ideas then lead to this combination of hair from the first design, and the outfit from the second design. 

We then needed to take a prop that the character would use in the show and recreate that as a toy for children. I had the idea of my character using a spanner that has multiple tools within it, like a Swiss army knife, which would also have a voice recorder and expendable arms. It would also come with a tool belt.

Lastly, we needed to envision our characters as cars, so I imagined my character to have a sleek appearance, but then have an expendable arm attached to the back of the vehicle which can interchange between tools depending on what is needed at the time.

Overall, I had a lot of fun with this challenge, and it has given me more of an idea on what to prepare for in this sort of industry.


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