Premise: Reflective Statement

Premise has been a bit of a difficult experience for me as an artist and student. While I am pleased that I have been able to create a story and design the appearance of the setting and characters, I am ultimately a little disappointed in myself for not being able to push myself further. As my Premise is a continuation from my Character Design project, I feel that I have let myself down for not having more work to show for the time that I have had to complete it.

There are so many skills that I need to develop in order for me to consider myself a working professional and the sense of imposter syndrome has been lurking in the back of my mind all this time. My biggest concern is that I will be incapable of producing a good story an animation at the end of my third year, and that I don't have the mindset of a creative professional.

That being said, I do believe that there is still hope for my project yet. I think I have a good foundation for creating a beautiful story of romance and magic, I just need to force myself out of my comfort zone and practise constantly on my digital art skills and time management.

I must promise myself to not completely focus on the 'what ifs' and instead strive for a more confident attitude towards my work, even if I am not at the point where I want to be yet. If I could go back to the beginning of this project, I would remind myself to not forget the basics (e.g. thumbnails, mind maps etc.), but I would also tell myself to not be afraid to ask for feedback and to not fear failing.

Over the summer period, I hope to make a head start on the 3D aspects of this project, but I also hope to set myself some personal projects in order to expand my skills in art and professionalism.


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