Character Design: Body Language
For our Character Design lesson on Tuesday, we explored the significance of body language within a character. We started off the day with getting in to groups of three, to which we were then provided with a list of prompts (eg The Rockstar and their adoring Fan). We needed to take it in turns to act out what we thought the character would be doing in the prompt.
We initially worked with skeletal structures, just the get the basic line of motion and positioning. We then built upon that and started adding body mass with straight lines and curves, to represent muscle.
After that, we then put everything we were taught in to practise. I did struggle with this at first, as I didn’t fully exaggerate the character in my first attempt (Pulling Excalibur from the stone). But with Justin’s help, I managed to understand it a little bit better. Overall, the aim is to be more confident in my line making and not be afraid to really push the character’s expression.
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