Project: Invisible Cities - Initial Thumbnail Sketches 1, 2, and 3
Invisible Cities is our first ever project based around the aspect of concept design. As part of the brief, we are tasked with creating thumbnail sketches based upon extracts of the novel "Invisible Cities" by Italo Calvino. It has been noted that each city has been named after a woman. Whether these descriptions of said cities are meant for relating to a female of a similar name, we are not sure. Below are the first few thumbnail sets that I have completed. Each set was made into an exercise, sort of a challenge if you will, so that each individual box had to be filled with different, with only a minute to complete each box. Octavia: Esmerelda: Baucis: As these are just initial ideas, I thought that it'd be best to be quick with sketching, so although it isn't a crisp clean linear artwork, the ideas are there. It is best to work quickly and efficiently. I was also experimenting with different brush tools in Photoshop so that I could g...